The Associated Students’ Government president debates were held on Wednesday, March 11. Jenna Rossow, Steven Titus and Thomas Farrell are the candidates running for the position of ASG President.
All the candidates were asked four questions in which they had three minutes of debate. The candidates then had two minutes for rebuttal after each question was answered.
Some of the questions that were asked were “What would you do in your first 50 days in office?” “What are the three most important concerns students have and why and how will ASG help take care of them?”and “What is your favorite color and why it makes you an effective leader?”
In her first 50 days in office, Rossow said she would try to bond with the other ASG members and have them introduce themselves to students so students would know they were there to listen to their concerns.
Farrell said he would start his first 50 days by reaching out to students and get started working on committees.
Getting longer library hours during finals, starting a car pool program, meeting with Chartwells to improve the menu and starting up an e-book program is what Titus said he would start off doing this during his first 50 days into office.
Farrell said his favorite color was bright green and it makes him an effective leader because the color is very visible and everyone can spot it.
Blue is Titus’ favorite color because the sky is blue as well as the water in the ocean and they have both been around awhile. The color blue would represent his experience.
Rossow said she thought the color black represented her well because black is a mix of all the colors and she is willing to work with anyone.
After the four discussion questions were asked the candidates had to answer three questions from the audience.
Junior, Kyle Spencer, an english major, said he attended the debates because it’s his third year on campus and he hasn’t seen much change since his freshman year. Spencer said he was more interested in the practical issues rather than clubs or who would be headlining the spring concert.
Freshman, Taylor Imperial, a biology major, said each candidate did a great job at the debates and they were all on the same page but they just had different views. Imperial also said students should vote because they need to know there are people who care and students should see who puts their best interests into play.