Prizm, Colorado State University Pueblo’s LGBTQQA group, hosted their 4th Annual Drag Show Thursday night.
“A Night with the Stars” was held in the Occhiato University Center ballroom and included food and “mock-tails” for those who attended. The drag show was just one of the activities Prizm members hosted as part of the “Coming Out Week” celebration.
On Thursday, the OUC ballroom was decorated in 1950s Hollywood glam, and the event was packed to the brim with standing room only.
A catwalk was set up in the center to give the audience a great view of the performances. Prizm invited professional drag queens from Colorado Springs to showcase the true art of drag. The other performers were students who had auditioned to participate.
There was a rowdy energy in the room, and anyone sitting in the front row of the audience got a little extra attention from the performers as they took to the catwalk. There were roars of laughter and shouting as the crowd cheered their show favorites. Performances ranged from comical to classy and provocative, showing the audience an array of different styles of drag.
At one point, the master of ceremonies asked the audience, “Of everyone in here, who has been to a drag show before?”
Only a handful of people raised their hands, which meant this was a first-time experience for most of the audience. Some were shocked at the intensity of the performances, but it was clear that everyone enjoyed Prizm’s event.
For the contest, four judges evaluated each amateur performance and decided by the end of the show which of the students would be declared the winners.
The “Amateur Drag Award” included Best Queen and Best King. Adam Ward won “Best Drag Queen” for his performance as Voluptuous Temptation. Lexi Santistevan and Kaylynn Marie each took home an award for “Best Drag King” for their performances as Sixx D. Nine and Papa Cherry.
The winner of the “Judges’ Choice Award” was Jennifer Ball as Captain J, and the “Audience Choice Award” went to Dr. Karen Yescavage as Zig-E.
CSU-Pueblo’s Prizm supports the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community on campus, and welcomes everyone to their group.
They stand strong with their campus mission, “to create and maintain an inclusive, safe, and accepting environment on the CSU-Pueblo campus for people of all sexual orientations and gender identities. We aim to defeat negative stereotypes and educate people by sponsoring social events and activities throughout the school year.”
Prizm has more campus events lined up for the rest of the semester, and they encourage everyone to attend or get involved. More information can be found on their Facebook page at CSU-Pueblo Prizm.