The Automotive Booster Club will host its 11th annual Jim Ward Memorial Golf Tournament April 15 at Walking Stick Golf Course beginning at 9 a.m. Following the tournament, they will also be hosting a car show April 16 .
The cost to participate in the tournament is $90 per person or $360 per team.
“This covers their green fee and lunch. There are giveaways and awards after the lunch,” said Shelby Cortese, president of the Automotive Booster Club. “This event is open to anyone and everyone including students, staff, faculty, and community members.”
Last year, the club raised $3,000 and this year they are hoping to do the same if not better.
“We work toward raising money to send us to the Specialty Equipment Market Association or more commonly known as the SEMA Show in Las Vegas every year for a week,” Cortese added.
The SEMA Show is a once-in-a-lifetime networking with successful people in the automotive industry, she said. This show takes place the first week of November every year.
“Last year, we took 12 students to the show,” she added.
The Automotive Booster Club currently has 15 members.
“We put on a winterization clinic, car wash, car show, and golf tournament with industry professionals every year with other new events here and there,” Cortese said. “We often participant in the campus events to support other clubs like Trunk-or-Treat, Pi-Day and Discovery Days.”
To participate in the upcoming golf tournament or car show, Cortese said she can be reached at [email protected]. The club also meets every Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. in the Technology Building, Room 112.