Photo from burst.shopify.
By Camerron Martin and Angel Palma
All holidays throughout the year are meant to hold some kind of symbolic meaning or age-old tradition that generation after generation celebrates. Valentine’s Day is no different as it is a holiday where people celebrate love and friendship among themselves by showing their emotions to the ones they care about the most. It is a wholesome holiday, but not everyone sees it that way or enjoys the traditions. How come some people love Valentine’s Day and home come others hate it?
When looking for some positives about Valentine’s Day, you’ll soon realize you don’t have to look far. Many often look negatively on Valentine’s Day because it primarily focuses on love and affection. While some project love and affection towards friends, family, and themselves, most people often point that love to a significant other, which tends to deter those from Valentines.
To begin the argument of why some do not wish to partake in the holiday, there is a factor that needs to be addressed immediately. It is most commonly said that those who hate Valentine’s Day are single and have nobody to spend it with, which is a fact in this discussion. Some people’s hatred is born out of jealousy over what they often miss out on year after year, and it is understandable why, as long as it doesn’t begin to get pushed too far into an extreme. This is a conclusion that most people eminently jump when they hear somebody say they have no interest in the holiday, but while it might be the most prominent reason, it is not the only one. Individuals in ongoing relationships also dislike the holiday in some aspects, if not as a whole.
Although for some others, like myself, the love and affection aspect of Valentine’s Day isn’t necessarily my favorite part. I love all the different shades, hues, and tints of the other pinks and reds. The colors match so well that you never have to worry about them clashing.
Carrying on with the side of disdain towards Valentine’s Day is another fact that can play out with any holiday or anything in general. Most people who dislike Valentine’s Day, whether single or not, often don’t believe in the holiday as a whole. Certain people can say that even though the holiday is, in fact, an annual celebration of love, it isn’t an actual holiday. Some look at the holidays throughout the year and decide which ones they feel the most connected to, and those decisions are often made over a long time throughout a person’s life as their views grow and shift. I believe everyone hates at least one holiday for some reason, whether it be Christmas, Halloween, Easter, or any other holiday. For some, that holiday is Valentine’s Day.
You’ve got sweet, sweet treats decorated with precision and care. It’s a worldwide unofficial meaning why we give them to those who love food and sweets. It shows how much we care and cherish the one on the receiving end. It shows how willing to put effort into one another.
However, there is a large group of people who just don’t care for the day at all because they don’t agree with the idea of buying into a holiday that is so surrounded by consumerism. So many people believe that buying each other the largest and most expensive gifts possible is the best way to show love. It makes you wonder how this is such a traditional experience for those who celebrate the holiday. Why do large boxes and giant teddy bears automatically symbolize love rather than real acts of love such as being there for your partner to care for and support them? To these people, they either celebrate the holiday in a matter that is a little more traditional or see it as nothing more than just Feb. 14.
There are a million and one types of varieties of flower arrangements. Flowers are beautiful and set upon color on color, and every flower has a different scent. You have sweet-smelling flowers like gardenias, lilies, phloxes, iris’, lilacs, and of course, the most widely known roses. Jasmine, honeysuckle, and lavender flowers are my personal favorite because not only do they have a calming effect, but they also have a softer scent to them that isn’t as strong or potent.