“The Same-Sex Marriage: A Civil Debate,” conducted by John Corvino and Glenn Stanton from Focus on the Family, began the Distinguished Speaker Series hosted at Colorado State University-Pueblo. The debate took place Wednesday night, Nov. 11, inside the Occhiato University Center Ballroom.
Since 2005, Corvino and Stanton have toured the nation together as advocate and opponent. Even though they have different views, they have formed a bond.
Politics came into light as Corvino and Stanton debated. Stanton brought up Harvey Milk, the first openly gay politician in U.S. history, who was assassinated. He called Milk’s story a “story of sainthood.”
Stanton built on the political view and said, “No one has a constitutional right to create intentionally motherless or fatherless families, which every same-sex family, by definition, does.”
He spoke of the government issues of today.
“Calling people ‘bigots’ and ‘haters’ who don’t agree with same-sex marriage is rhetorical thuggary,” Stanton said. “President Obama has stated his opposition to same-sex marriage and the importance of fathers for every family. Is he a bigot? Of course not, just like the great majority of Americans who oppose redefining marriage in this way.”
Corvino talked about the research Stanton had made through the years on all levels. These levels include the local and national levels of same-sex marriage to the church and state matter.
Stanton said he thinks Corvino’s methodology is bad. Reading more studies doesn’t produce better conclusions, he said, it just means more bad conclusions.
“Relationships are good for people, good for gay couples because relationships thrive on support, and good for society at large because society has an interest in promoting caring, stable partnerships for as many members as possible,” Corvino said. “It is not a good idea for gay men to marry women.”
“Under same-sex marriage, ‘husband,’ ‘wife,’ ‘mother’ and ‘father’ become merely ornamental or sentimental family ideals,” Stanton said. “If you want one of these in your marriage or family, good for you, but you don’t need them this redefinition of marriage tells us.”
In the beginning of the debate, Corvino and Stanton argued and rebutted. In the second hour, they conducted a question and answer portion. With nearly a half-an-hour to spare, Corvino suggested that the audience members should gather. He called the portion, “The Lightning Round.”
The audience asked questions about the military, same-sex marriage and adoption, state and church and the difference between same-sex marriage and domestic partnerships. During one audience member’s question, the debate got heated. When Stanton said marriage should involve two humans, the audience member asked, “Aren’t gay people human?”
The Distinguished Speaker Series is a series of public speakers beginning in November and ending in April. The speakers will either speak inside the Occhiato University Center Ballroom or the Hoag Recital Hall.
Stacy • Nov 17, 2009 at 6:43 pm
Interesting food for thought. Now I’m wondering whether having both a mother and a father influence is essential for a child’s mental development. Officially I am for same-sex marriage, but Stanton makes a good point.