As one of the founders of the Steel City Theatre Company, Dorothy Heedt-Moosman, a writing instructor at CSU-Pueblo has recently starred in the musical, “The Last Five Years in June.” Heedt-Moosman is a graduate student here and teaches writing courses, as well.
Heedt-Moosman also performed in “Blues in the Night” and stage managed several other performances for the group. Her favorite she said was a play called “TOP DOG-underdog,” in which the Steel City Theatre Company worked in conjunction with UCCS’s theater works.
As a writing instructor, Heedt-Moosman is also passionate about writing along with theater and said that both will always have equal emphasis in her life. Now that teaching has come into the mix, she has one other discipline to manage her time around.
“Both theater and writing are acts of creation and ownership,” Heedt-Moosman said of her two passions. She also said that she believes both enhance the human experience.
“And I really believe that,” she clarifies with a laugh.
She has been involved in the theater group since it was formed in 2001 first on the Board of Directors and later as Vice President, which she held for a year. Heedt-Moosman said she will always be a part of this group.
The goal of the Steel City Theatre Company is to bring quality plays to the Pueblo area, as well as edgier plays. The group allows anyone to audition.
Now the company is featuring Neil Simon’s lesser-known play, the Star Spangled Girl. The three person cast consists of the company’s artistic directors Andrea Garret and Jason Laughrey along with a local actor Andrew Ritterling.
The play will continue its run on Friday, August 29 and finish on Saturday, August 30 both at 7:30 p.m. The play is at CSU-Pueblo’s Hoag Hall. For ticket information call 719-289-0293 or visit