The nonprofit organization I Am That Girl has come to the CSU-Pueblo campus in the form of a student led club. The organization is working on coordinating events for the campus community, as well as empowering values with the goal of inspiring girls to “love, express and be who they are.”
The I Am That Girl chapter at CSU-Pueblo is one out of the 170 clubs around the world. There are 13 members on campus including the chapter leader, Juliette Mogenson.
Mogenson started the organization during the spring 2015 semester at the university after getting the idea from an I Am That Girl Instagram post she saw. Immediately hooked, Mogenson wanted to know more about what the organization offered and from there, she brought it to the CSU-Pueblo campus community.
Since the organization has been on campus, it has hosted several events to promote their mission for I Am That Girl. It is currently busy coordinating more events for the upcoming 2015-2016 school year.
I Am That Girl had their first event of the school year Aug. 28. The event, DIY School Supplies, was open to anyone in the campus community who needed school supplies. During the event, students could choose from a variety of supplies and personalize them to help display their individuality. The organization wanted to provide books and supplies to all students who needed school supplies, not just women.
This event is one of many others that I Am That Girl has in store for the rest of the year.
The organization also has other projects they have set up to benefit the campus and community of CSU-Pueblo. These events include a monthly campus cleanup, themed events for the university, as well as a campaign to raise awareness of bullying.
Mogenson said the club was motivated to host this event by statistics displaying the amount of people who have felt they have been bullied.
“We’re really trying to keep that positive environment, loving environment where people can come even if they’re not members,” Mogenson said.
Mogenson said whether students are a member of I Am That Girl or not, she wants members of the campus community to come to an event and “feel like they are being supported and being accepted.”
The organization recently launched their membership site that gives all of the chapters of I Am That Girl access to be able to see everyone on the site.
“It’s really awesome to see that you’re bigger than just the CSU-Pueblo chapter. You’re seeing posts from other chapters in places like Brazil, Canada, California and North Carolina,” Mogenson said.
More information can be found on their Facebook page, I Am That Girl: Colorado State University-Pueblo.