CSU-Pueblo’s primary dining service for students will look to renew its contract with the school after it ends in June 2017.
Chris Fendrich, director of auxiliary services at CSU-Pueblo, said there will be a proposal to renew Chartwells’ contract during the 2017-2018 school year.
Chartwells has various locations across campus, including the Pack Café, La Cantina, among various other coffee and food venues. The company also has partnerships with Einstein’s Brothers Bagels and Starbucks.
In the upcoming year, Fendrich said he would like to add Pepsi machines to locations across campus. Chartwells also started serving sushi in the library during the first week of the fall 2015 semester.
Over the past year, the auxiliary services department has made changes in the cafeteria “to reduce waste and save money,” Fendrich said. For example, he said, food is now served on washable plates and fresh hamburgers are being served.
For some students, though, Chartwells isn’t an ideal dining service.
Jasmine Mathew, a senior health promotion major, said CSU-Pueblo could be “more health conscious (and offer) more variety of food. Chartwells should offer good opportunities and more options.”
Mathew said, for example, that she thinks Chartwells could change peanut butter and jelly sandwiches that have “only a smudge of PB and J.”
Fendrich said he encourages students with similar concerns to take part in Associated Students’ Government and that he appreciates feedback from students.
Students can take part of an anonymous feedback by filling out questions, comments, and concerns in the La Cantina, located in the basement of the Occhiato University Center.