A coffee shop in the General Classroom Building is still in the process of being completed. It will be one of the last projects to be finished on CSU-Pueblo’s newest building.
The GCB opened in time for students to attend classes there for the fall 2015 semester but the coffee shop is still being completed due to some design errors.
Vice President of Facilities Management Craig Cason said the electrical lines for the refrigeration equipment are being relocated to match the connections for the equipment.
Many students have said once the new cafe is completed they will probably go over to the GCB to get their snacks instead of the library cafe, even if it is farther away than the library.
“I like it because the area is a lot nicer, and it is more of a coffee shop environment,” said CSU-Pueblo student Jessica Rein. This could mean for increased use of building if students choose to stop at the new cafe instead of the library to get a snack or study.
The addition of the new cafe will be a new option for students who dine on campus and need places to eat during the day. For students who have classes in the GCB, the coffee shop will be more centrally located than other campus coffee shops.
“It’s nice that there is a new building where there is a great area to get snacks and coffee on your way to class,” said student Trevor Hardin.
The remodel of the cafe will take another few weeks while Facilities waits for the parts and installation. After the parts are installed, it will undergo an inspection by the Pueblo City County Health Department. The cafe will be open by the end September.
The General Classroom Building has three floors with 10 large lecture classrooms that are fully connected to online campus IT systems, as well as wireless throughout building.