CSU-Pueblo’s chapter of I Am That Girl hosted a spa day Sept. 10 upstairs in the Occhiato University Center. The spa day was the fourth event the club has hosted in the third week of the fall 2015 semester.
This chapter of I Am That Girl is an active organization on campus that promotes a message about empowering girls. Hosting events on and off campus, the group is becoming more involved around the community. A few events the club has hosted this year include a DIY school supplies workshop, game night and DIY goal boards.
For a $10 charge, students could participate in all the stations, which included manicures, DIY sugar scrubs, Mary Kay facials, hair braiding and hot stone massages. The group also had a refreshment table for the students who participated.
Pamphlets were provided to educate people about the background, core values and a list of upcoming events as they got pampered.
Spa day has been promoted since the first day of school. Between flyers that were created and a big social media base promoting the event, it was aiming to attract a big portion of the students on campus.
“We wanted to host this spa day to raise money for our organization, we did a similar event like this last semester and had a good turn out so I wanted to host another one this semester with more things to do,” said chapter leader Juliette Mogenson.
Having a time window of 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. ensured that everyone who wanted to participate would be able to have time to enjoy a pampering.
“I don’t want to set my goal too high but I’m hoping for 50 people. Last year for a similar event we had a turnout of 35 people,” Mogenson said during the event.