Professors at Colorado State University Pueblo are leading the “Intercultural Studies in Italy and Greece” trip this summer from June 23 to July 3. Students can sign up for the trip up until March 20. After this date, there may be additional late fees associated with enrollment.
The trip is being co-led by professors Chris Picicci, director of Italian Studies, and David Volk, director of the Center for Honors and Leadership and a professor of music. Both professors have been group leaders for study abroad trips to Italy before with the university.
The Intercultural Studies in Italy and Greece trip is an Education First College Study Tour. The trip was originally going to be a three-week experience in Rome, Italy. However, the trip to Italy and Greece was selected due to insufficient enrollment from the original Rome trip.

Students who had already signed up to travel to Rome will now be traveling on the Italy and Greece tour.
“One student expressed sadness of not being able to stay longer in Rome. However, she is excited about being able to visit two European countries and not just one. Other students seem to accept the change without too much disapproval,” Picicci said.
Volk has never been to Greece before and is excited to now be able to travel there during the trip. He is hoping to connect with some of his colleagues from Athens.
“I had a composition of mine performed last fall by a Greek piano trio (piano, cello, violin), who toured Colorado and Utah playing compositions of composers in those states. I’m hoping I’ll be able to get lunch or dinner with my new Greek friends,” Volk said.
Students of Italian, music, and/or Honors & Leadership are eligible for scholarships to assist them financially for the trip. According to Picicci, students receiving CSU Pueblo Foundation scholarships and Financial Aid can request that the aid be applied to this upcoming international educational opportunity.

“I think the opportunity to see the Pantheon in Rome and the Parthenon in Athens on the same tour will be memorable. Enjoying fresh and delicious meals with students will be another wonderful part of the experience,” Picicci said.
Picicci has been taking CSU Pueblo students abroad to Italy since 2009. He is always excited to introduce new students to the “beautiful Italian language and culture.”
Picicci and Volk most previously took students to Italy in summer of 2023, spending just over three weeks in Turin. Both professors taught classes for students while there.
According to the professors, they are coordinating an up to 3-credit-hour option for students, but Picicci or Volk themselves won’t be teaching classes as they did in Turin in 2023.
“It’s an eye opener experiencing a different country. Not only is the language different, potentially, but the food and architecture and so many aspects of culture. You really don’t appreciate those differences (and similarities) until you have an opportunity to visit a different country,” Volk said.
Anyone interested in learning more about the study abroad opportunity can reach out to Picicci via his email at [email protected].