By Ye Ming
The Spanish class, “Contemporary Cinema of Spain,” will be showing a movie to CSU-Pueblo students in order to help with their language skills, as well as educate them on Spanish culture.
The movie, “Flowers from Another World (Flores de Otro Mundo),”will be presented from 7 to 9 p.m., Wed., April 13 in the Psychology Building, Room 147. It will be shown in Spanish and will contain English subtitles.
“We are a trans-lingual and trans-cultural program,” said Alegría Ribadeneria, professor of the class hosting the movie. “We hope that our students are very knowledgeable about the language but also about culture.”
The setting of “Flowers from Another World” is set in a small, Spanish village where its villagers are worried about the lack of females, and that depopulation will eventually cause the village to cease. To solve this problem, the villagers arrange a mating party to attract women.
“It makes very interesting commentary about the current situation in Spain regarding depopulation,” Ribadeneira said.
The movie also attempts to connect other groups of people and cultures because it relates to immigration issues that every country faces in this modern era, she said.
“Immigrants are helping to get the population growth back on track in order to be able to support all the social services,” Ribadeneria said.
Before the movie, a few students in the class will give a short introduction in English about its cultural and political background to help other students and the audiences understand the movie better.
“Contemporary Cinema of Spain” is a senior-level Spanish course and watching Spanish movies is part of the course’s requirements for students. The class has watched a variety of movies throughout the semester, regardless of movie type.
Ribadeneria said the movies she chose to show in this class need to concentrate on four specific times of Spain—the Republic, the Spanish Civil War, the post-war era and the post-Franco era.
“Focusing on that four moments of history would give the students a good understanding of what is going on in contemporary Spain right now,” she said.
In the future, the foreign language department hopes to keep this movie series going, Ribadeneria said.
For more information contact Ribadeneira at 549-2998. Her office is located in the Psychology Building, Room 120.