As Colorado State University-Pueblo prepares to finalize its strategic plan, faculty, staff and students will have the opportunity to voice their input to the Strategic Planning Task Force this week during meetings in the Occhiato University Center on Oct. 16 and 17.
The updated strategic plan will be effective for the next three years, and everyone is invited to attend the two open meetings to discuss plans and priorities.
With the institution facing budget issues and enrollment concerns, the Strategic Planning Task Force is looking for insightful ways to help steer the university in the right direction. The goal is to develop a strategic plan that will detail the courses of action to be taken over the next three years.
Some long-term goals include enhancing the teaching and learning opportunities on campus, and improving athletics, dormitory life, campus buildings and community partnerships. The team is looking for feedback about important milestones to be met and priority initiatives.
Last November, the task force presented a draft plan for the campus. Meetings were held throughout the summer to prioritize goals within the strategic plan. The deadline for finalizing the plan is in late November of this year, and the finalized plan will then be presented to the Board of Governors in December.
The Strategic Plan Delivery Implementation Team was organized by President Lesley Di Mare to help encourage campus members to give input on how to achieve strategic plan outcomes. The team will work when the plan is finalized, to organize the objectives and initiatives into levels of priority.
Dean of Library Services Rhonda Gonzales and Dean of the College of Science and Mathematics Rick Kreminski will co-chair the Strategic Plan Delivery Implementation Team. Gonzales and Kreminski ask that everyone attend the meetings with ideas and a clear focus of objectives that will improve the draft plan.
Kreminski stressed the importance of high attendance at the upcoming meetings.
“We need to try to distill the information at these meetings, so we can narrow down the important components,” Kreminski said.
The draft plan that was presented last November has multiple goals, many of which need to be refined, according to Kreminski.
“It is important to come up with a metric standard, so we can measure the achievements that are the goals at the University. Hopefully that can be done in these meetings,” Kreminski said.
Campus constituents can voice their opinions about strategic priorities at two sessions. The first will be held in the OUC Cottonwood Room Thursday, Oct. 16, from 2 – 3:30 p.m. The second meeting will be held the following Friday, Oct. 17, from 9 – 10:30 a.m. in the OUC Aspen Leaf Room.
Those who cannot attend are urged to provide their strategic input for the draft plan via email. Submitted emails will be shared with the Strategic Plan Delivery Implementation Team at the meetings. A copy of the draft plan that was written last November, as well as past strategic plans, is available on the university’s website.
After all input has been gathered, the information will be compiled and worked into the final plan for presentation to the Board of Governors in December.