Just because you don’t play sports for Colorado State University-Pueblo does not mean that you’re not allowed to play sports on the campus. Many intramural leagues are formed all year long at the CSU-Pueblo recreational center for a variety of different sports, according to Jack Krider director of operations at the Recreational Center.
Krider mentioned that the recreational center has leagues for volleyball, softball, football, soccer and basketball, which are the most popular sports leagues at the recreational center. In addition to those sports, Krider also said that there are leagues for lesser-known sports as well such as pickleball and broomball.
There are many options available if you decide to take part in one of the leagues. The leagues consist of men’s, women’s or coed leagues. On which semester students decide to participate in a league, there could be a entry fee.
For the fall and spring semesters, there is usually a fee around a $30 charge for a team, but in the summer, all leagues are free of charge.
The summer ports leagues are usually laid back according to Krider. Leagues participating in the summer are what they like to call “noon time leagues.” These leagues are usually played from 11a.m. to 1p.m. and consist of sand volleyball, dodgeball and basketball.
The fall and spring semesters are when things really start to pick up at the recreational center. In these semesters the level of play is much more competitive, and the turnout of people playing in intramural leagues is much higher than in the summer.
There are also more sports taking place during the fall and spring semester which include, flag football, soccer, pickleball and softball.
For every league there is usually some sort of playoff system that is used for the season. However, qualifying for the playoffs does not necessarily revolve around wins and losses.
According to Krider, teams can also clinch or forfeit a playoff spot based on sportsmanship as well. Krider said that sportsmanship with these leagues involve how many technicals a player can get, if there is any fighting involved, and the use of profanity. A player may possibly get kicked off the league if they’re a poor sport.
Teams that go on to win the playoffs at the end of the league don’t go on to win fancy trophies, but they do get prizes, Krider said. The director went on to state that in the past, the winning teams usually walk away with either a pair of gym shorts or a T-shirt.
Krider also stated that new prizes could be coming soon, although he did not say what they would be yet.
There are also some restrictions on athletes who play on some of the sports teams at CSU-Pueblo who decide to get involved with intramurals. Any team that is formed for intramurals is only allowed to use one CSU-Pueblo athlete for that athlete’s particular sport.
The reason for this is to try and make the level of the playing field more even, and so one particular team cannot dominate the entire league.
There are no restrictions however on a CSU-Pueblo athlete who wishes to play on an intramural team that does not take part for that team’s sport for CSU-Pueblo.
These intramural leagues are also going online as well. According to Krider they will be starting there own website where you can register for leagues as well as check out schedules, standing and previous results. The website will be IMLeagues.com and it is yet to be determined when the website will be up and running, but it is expected to be soon.