CSU-Pueblo senior Autumn Black undertook a special project for her internship with the President’s Leadership Program that is going to help many in our campus community. She is creating and coordinating a food bank that will be available for anyone enrolled or employed by CSU-Pueblo.
“Hunger does not discriminate,” said Black.
The food bank, named the Grub Hub, will be located in the downstairs of the OUC near the Veteran’s Community Resource Center.
“A lot of people are struggling,” added Black.
She said that services will be confidential and discreet for those in need.
The kick off for the food bank will be a campus wide food drive which is expected to start before Halloween, but financial donations are welcome any time. Initially, the food bank will be financed solely through donations, but eventually Black hopes that it will partner with the Associated Students’ Government for additional funding.
The Grub Hub has 501-C3 nonprofit status, which will also make it eligible for a partnership with Care and Share Food Bank of Southern Colorado. As an extension of Care and Share, the Grub Hub will be eligible to purchase nonperishable food at drastically discounted rates.
Black is extremely passionate about this project. Her goal is to have the support of the campus and for the food bank to flourish long after she is gone. She hopes that a group or club will become so involved that it will naturally take over the coordination of the food bank when she graduates.
Those wanting to volunteer or donate should contact Black at [email protected].