Jackson Galaxy, star of the TV show “My Cat From Hell,” visited a crowd of students and cat enthusiasts Oct. 9 in the Occhiato University Center ballroom at 7 p.m.
Otherwise known as the “Cat Daddy,” Galaxy attracted a crowd of 415 campus and community members.
During his talk, Galaxy discussed various animal topics, including some that have been featured on his Animal Planet show. The event was followed by a signing and opportunities for photos with Galaxy.
On his show, Galaxy helps cat owners who are struggling with pets that won’t behave. He finds ways to help the family and furry animals overcome obstacles and get along.
Many different organizations from around Colorado attended the event, including zoos, humane societies and shelters.
One of the organizations that attended the event was PAWS for Life. Located in Pueblo, PAWS wanted Galaxy to come to the area about a year ago, but it never happened. When they saw the ad for the event in the Pueblo Chieftain this year, they decided to attend.
“We need to be much more educated on the aspects of cats, and I think this is a great way to do it,” said Ruth McDonald, president of PAWS. McDonald said the shelter just opened up a cattery in the last couple of years at PAWS in an effort to expand the shelter’s emphasis to other animals, not just dogs.
The cattery manager at PAWS, LeAnn Miller, also attended the event. “I’m so excited that Jackson is able to be here tonight, and that the campus of CSU-Pueblo was able to get him to come,” she said.
Cheryl Hindsley, PAWS board member said, “He did a amazing job, and some of the things that Jackson did in the book we have actually done in our shelter. It is great to know that we are going in the right direction.”

There were also around 150 students who attended the event. Student Laura Kerwin, a senior at CSU-Pueblo studying biology said she was excited that Galaxy was able to come to campus.
“The event was overall really beneficial. Everything was really great. It was awesome to see his style and see what he’s like off camera to see that he is exactly the same,” Kerwin said. “It was great to connect with him at this level.”
Student Trenton Bridwell, also a senior, said he hopes to use some of the tips Galaxy shared in his career as a veterinarian.
“It’s great to have Jackson here tonight and to learn more about veterinarian side of things, and the physiological understanding of animals,” he said. “It will truly be something I can use my veterinary field.”
The Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region also attended the event. Veterinarian Ana Hodgson and her team traveled from Colorado Springs to hear how Galaxy dealt with cats, as well and some common cat behavior problems.
“It was great to hear how he handles with the cats, and what the most common problems are with cat behavior. So it was great to hear what he thought,” Hodgson said.
Melissa Schumacher, a veterinary technician and the humane society said she liked to hear about Galaxy’s experiences.
“I liked how he told us he had trouble with a specific cat, and still had issues even though he thought he was really good at it. It shows that there are still some animals out there that are extremely hard to deal with,” she said.
Sara Ferguson, director at Happy Cats Haven in Colorado Springs said she had heard of Galaxy once before and thought he was amazing.
“I just love his energy, and it’s great to be in the same room with this many of my people,” Ferguson said.