Colorado State University-Pueblo’s choir will be studying abroad and performing in Spain and Portugal this summer. The group is inviting any interested students, faculty or staff to join them in this all inclusive trip.

Led by choir, vocal ensemble, aural skills, applied voice and music appreciation professor, Dana Ihm, the trip will also include touring of different museums, sight seeing and performances at three different concerts and churches.
Any interested attendees do not have to be a part of the choir to join. The choir tour will be traveling from May 9 through May 19. In previous years, former students have performed in countries like Germany and France. This year they will be visiting the cities of Barcelona, Madrid, Segovia, Toledo and Lisbon while in Spain and Portugal.
“I’m most looking forward to the adventure of traveling to a different country,” said Keragan Ettleman, a junior English major and choir member.
“I’ve never been anywhere but Colorado, so I’m excited to have the opportunity to see something new,” Ettleman added.
A big component to the trip is performing and Ettleman said that they have been practicing the songs since the beginning of the school year.
“We’ll add in a few this semester as well. Many of them are in different languages, such as German or Latin,” Ettleman said.
According to Ettleman, along with the opportunity to perform in three different concerts during the trip, students going will be able to earn credit by doing course work and putting together a portfolio at the end of their trip.
Travelers going for credit will be able to use the experiences on the trip and share how it applies to their lives. They are also able to share any academic benefits they discovered through the papers and portfolio.
“The paper is a report of everything that we did (in Spain and Portugal) and what we learned while performing there,” Ettleman said.
Students, faculty or staff interested in joining the choir tour is encouraged to contact Dr. Ihm at [email protected] or at 719-549-2125.