The Colorado State University-Pueblo Club Sports program is holding a campuswide food drive until March 7 to give back to the campus community. The drive started Feb. 22.

Each Club Sports program is collecting non-perishable foods in their designated boxes around campus to give all donations back to the Pack Pantry.
The Pack Pantry is one of the newest additions to the CSU-Pueblo campus. The program was started in 2015 in hopes to eliminate food insecurities for faculty, staff and students on campus.
The Pack Pantry partners with the Care and Share Food Bank of Southern Colorado. They also receive and purchase food items from the Care and Share warehouse located in Pueblo.
The sport with the most donations will receive a $200 prize to go back into their program and can be used for whatever is necessary.
“I think the biggest things that the teams will use the prize for are either travel or equipment,” said Bill Moorman, Intramural and Club Sports Coordinator.
“If we win, the money will most likely go towards travel to get to tournaments,” said Bass Fishing Team President, Tyler Hassler.
In order to promote the food drive, team president’s plan on utilizing the Internet.
“Social media will be a big part in getting the most food in our boxes,” Hassler said.
The club sports program will also be posting flyers on campus as well as using the CSU-Pueblo Intramural and Club Sports Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts to boost awareness of the food drive.
“We are hoping that the presidents of the teams will tell their members who will then post it on their own social media to spread it out and create a network of broadcasting,” Moorman said.
Club sport donation boxes will be located around the campus for those wanting to participate. More updates on the food drive can be found on the CSU-Pueblo Intramurals Facebook at