A new school year means the start of intramural sports at Colorado State University-Pueblo. Students can get engaged in team sports like volleyball, flag football, and dodgeball during the 2016-17 academic year.
Nursing senior Brianna Kuch has participated in intramural sports since her freshman year. She previously played flag football and sand volleyball.
“I enjoy intramurals because it is a nice way to meet people. Also, it’s a great way to relieve stress by playing the sport knowing you’re having fun,” said Kuch.
“Playing in intramurals has helped me meet my closest friends now who I would have never known.”
The first session of intramurals will start on Sept. 5. Teams can register online at www.imleagues.com/csupueblo. The deadline for registration is Sept. 1.
Sports for the first session include flag football, slow-pitch softball and sand volleyball offered in men’s, women’s or co-ed leagues.
“Intramurals allow you to meet people who have common interests and even people with different majors,” said Kuch.
The second session will start Oct. 6. Registration is due by Oct. 6, and team sports will include dodgeball, outdoor soccer and corec basketball.