Anthony Montoya: Senator representing the College of Science and Mathematics
Age: 20
Year: junior
Major/Minor: biology, pre-medicine/ chemistry
Party: Revamp
Why did you decide to run for the Associated Students’ Government?
I want to do my part and give back to CSU-Pueblo. I want to get involved and see our campus thrive and grow into a world class university. I want to make sure the students have a voice in what’s going on with our campus community. We have one of the best math and science programs in the state, and we need to stay current and keep up with it and make our programs the best in the nation.
What changes would you like to see at Colorado State University-Pueblo?
The changes I would like to see include: the relationship between ASG and the student body, an increase in school spirit and student involvement, increased security for our student body, a world-class math and science program and better resources for our students.
How do you or your party plan on carrying out these changes?
I would like to send a few of our professors for graduate entrance exam training, Revamp student tutor training, locate security cameras around parking lots and increase hourly and work study positions with security.
In one sentence explain why students should vote for you.
I am strong and passionate about our science and math program here at CSU-Pueblo and if elected, I will do my very best to further improve and Revamp our math and science department.
Talisha Bell: Senator representing the College of Science and Mathematics
Age: 18
Year: freshman
Major/Minor: pre-medicine, chemistry/ leadership
Why did you decide to run for the Associated Students’ Government?
Because I want to help the school improve the student life and make CSU-Pueblo a better place.
What changes would you like to see at Colorado State University-Pueblo?
I would like improve the activities and involvement of the students on campus.
In one sentence explain why students should vote for you.
I am a highly devoted student, a good listener and a person anyone can talk to.