By John Pantoya
A Mayan spiritual messenger shared his knowledge about his culture’s controversial calendar in a presentation to a nearly full auditorium, at the Hasan School of Business, March 7.
Miguel Angel Chiquin talked about the Mayan calendar being a topic of controversy the past few years, specifically because the calendar comes to an abrupt end on Dec. 21, 2012.

Many people have come to believe this date signals the “end of the world,” “doomsday” or “Armageddon.”
Chiquin believes that the world will not end on this day, he said.
“Our Mayan elders, they don’t speak of that,” Chiquin said. “What is true is that a cycle of 5,000 years ends and another calendar of 5,000 years begins.”
The Mayan calendar follows the cycles of the sun, Chiquin said, and that fifth cycle is set to begin on Dec. 21, 2012. The calendar is also cosmic and infinite, and is meant for all humanity, he said.
“What I will share with you tonight is not meant to give fruit to the intellect, it’s to give fruit to the spirit,” Chiquin said. “It’s the silent information of our ancestors which has traveled through the centuries.”
On display during the presentation were 20 small, woven blankets, which are Mayan representations of the energy used to awaken human spirituality, he said. A person’s birth date determines the energy a person possesses, and each person’s energy has a distinct meaning that describes certain qualities a person has, Chiquin said.
“Of these 20 energies, we have four in us,” he said. “For the next 5,000 year cycle, it’s very important to clarify our internal being so that we may walk in the spirit rather than the intellect.”
Chiquin named and described every type of energy.
“The energy of Nok represents intelligence,” he said. “Iq’ is represented by wind, and is the energy of artists.”
He also made reference to the “Popol Vuh,” a book of counsel and guidance that is sacred to the Mayans
“The book says we’ve almost arrived to the heavens,” he said, “but we got lost in the intellect and we killed the spirit.”
Chiquin also thinks people have stopped listening to their grandparents, he said. This night would not be possible if he did not follow the path of his grandparents and accept their spiritual inheritance, he said.
“On this night, you should go to your grandparents and listen,” he said. “They are the light that illuminates our path.”
Chiquin made it a point to remind the audience that the “doomsday” prophecies associated with the end of the Mayan calendar are false, and people should not worry about the survival of humanity. People must end the mental sabotage, break the stereotype of “doomsday” and not have any fear about what the future may bring, he said.
“I end by telling you all, do not have fear,” he said. “It’s time to break the mysteries, brothers and sisters. We will see each other in the next 5,000 years.”