Comedian David Testroet, a comedy veteran, is scheduled to perform in a bit titled “Comedy Tonight,” at the Damon Runyon Repertory Theatre March 17, at 8 p.m.
Testroet, known as “The Big Guy,” brings a twist to his material, which range from jokes about Charles Darwin to grizzly bears. Testroet is also a harmonica player, and his “Big Guy Blues” has helped him make a name for himself in comedy.
With over twenty years of experience, Testroet has been on Showtime, FOX, CBS and Comedy Central. He also has flown over seas on five separate occasions in order to entertain U.S. troops.
Tickets for the show are $19 and include one free beverage; active students will also receive a discount if they show their student ID. The show is targeted for those who are 18 years or older.
For further information or reservations, call 719-564-0579.