CSU-Pueblo welcomes Rhonda Park Uber as the new Director of Residence Life and Housing as of June 2, 2008.
Uber will be responsible for over 600 students in the Residence Life Program, and will be tasked with maintaining the living quarters on campus and looking after the well-being of the students. She will also provide living, learning and community building programs for the university and help guide students toward academic success.
Only one month into her new position, Uber has put some positive plans into motion for the improvement of student life.
“We are already working with Facilities Mgt. with making some of these changes happen,” Uber said. “This Fall we are going to offer a number of new living learning communities or thematic floors. These floors are being designed for students who share a particular interest in an academic area, social issue or activity.”
Also, with campus living options growing, Uber states that she is devoted to updating and improving the policies and procedures of the office.
“My goal is to meet this growth with quality service.” Uber said.
Uber has brought along with her a wealth of experience. She holds a bachelor’s degree in speech communication from the University of Utah and a master’s degree in College Student Personnel from Southern Illinois University. Other qualifications include serving as Assistant Director of Residence Life at Coastal Carolina University and working in residence life and student life positions at Florida Atlantic University, Wesleyan College, North Carolina Wesleyan College, the University of Utah and Macon State College. Her most recent position was at Eastern Kentucky University.
“For the last 6 years, I worked at Eastern Kentucky University where I was the Associate Director for Housing Administration and the Associate Director for Residence Life. I have lots of experience working with students in the residential setting and hope to put my knowledge, skills and experiences to good use here at CSU-Pueblo.” Uber said.
Beyond her new job, Uber is a devoted wife and mother. She is married to Greg Uber, and has three children; Parker, Pierce and Ellie, who are 9, 7 and 4 respectively. Her family also has an Australian Sheppard mix dog named Harvey.