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SOCO Student Media from Colorado State University Pueblo

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SOCO Student Media from Colorado State University Pueblo

The Today

SOCO Student Media from Colorado State University Pueblo

The Today

SOCO Student Media from Colorado State University Pueblo

The Today

Pueblo filmmakers ask for your back

October 18, 2012
After two or three website errors, Tim Sparks and David Hartkop could finally kickoff their fundraising campaign on Kickstarter officially for their first feature length film “Recursion” Oct. 1 at the Rawlings Library.

Lack of communication causes students to be dropped

September 23, 2012
160 students at CSU-Pueblo were dropped from classes after they failed to pay their first dues, which was Monday, Aug. 23. More than 80 students came back after making payments.

Matola to takeover as CIO

September 14, 2012
Erich Matola was announced the new chief information officer of Colorado State University-Pueblo last Friday. His employment will be effective on Oct. 15.

International extravaganza celebrates cultural exchange

April 16, 2012
The 74th International Food and Cultural Extravaganza was hosted at Occhiato University Center Ballroom Friday, April 6, giving many the experience of traveling the world in one night.

Candidates interview for dean position of business school

March 30, 2012
Two candidates for the dean of Hasan School of Business at Colorado State University-Pueblo interviewed individually on campus last week, but the decision has not yet been made.

CSU-Pueblo Choir to perform concert series in Europe

March 11, 2012
The CSU-Pueblo Choir will head to Europe May 7, for a 10-day tour and perform at world-renowned historical venues.

Student artists showcase work, talent through art show

February 28, 2012
CSU-Pueblo Fine Arts Gallery now features student artwork for the 2012 Student Art Show through March 2. Twenty-two students from the Art Department entered 29 pieces of works created with a variety of media. Winners were chosen for the Best of Show, 1st Place, 2nd Place, 3rd Place, People's Choice, and two Honorable Mentions

"The Vagina Monologues" is funny, sensational yet educational

February 24, 2012
TODAY photographer Ye Ming captures the performance of "The Vagina Monologues" at Hoag Hall, Feb. 15.

Creativity represented in many forms at PechaKucha night

January 30, 2012
TODAY photographer attended, as well as presented for the third PechaKucha night, which brought in presenters of an array of topics, from the pending apocalypse to burlesque performances, Thursday, Jan. 26.

CSU-Pueblo hosts “chit-chat” night for Pueblo’s artists

January 24, 2012
The third PechaKucha Night will hit Pueblo Thursday, Jan. 26, from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m., at CSU-Pueblo’s Fine Art Gallery.

CSU-Pueblo to recruit students from China

November 19, 2011
CSU-Pueblo, as the 20th American university to join the Sino-American 1+2+1 Dual Degree Program between China and the U.S., welcomed program officials to visit the campus Monday, Oct. 31.

CSU-Pueblo supports veterans in career transition

November 13, 2011
CSU-Pueblo became the host university of the Mountain Pacific Troops to Teachers Program Nov.1, which recruits experienced military members to teach for K-12 schools.
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