The Board of Governors was on the Colorado State University-Pueblo campus to talk to the faculty, students, elected officials and the community on January 28, 2009 about characteristics they would like to see in a new chancellor. Diane Evans and Dick Robinson represented the Board of Governors for the student session and were there as an “outreach through the state to find out what the chancellor should bring to the table.”
The student session was very poorly attended, but great concerns came from the few students who did attend.
David Fresquez, Associated Students’ Government President, told the board that something he would like to see in a new chancellor would be honesty, trust and accountability as he made references to President Joseph Garcia having these qualities.
Characteristics that student Adam Martin thought the new chancellor should have were knowing when to say no and not having too much on his or her plate at one time. He also thought that the elected chancellor should have a good reputation. The chancellor should be not necessarily known for his or her fame but not for infamy either.
Steven Trujillo thought the new chancellor should provide resources and support, and be a leader that holds strong to his or her values even under pressure.
Jenna Rossow said that the new chancellor elect should enjoy his or her job and be able to relate to the students.
Evans and Robinson thought all the students had great ideas for the new chancellor and would put them through to the election committee to help give an idea of what the new chancellor should have.