The TODAY’s Spotlight on Reading/Writing features CSU-Pueblo faculty, staff and students sharing their reading and writing experiences. The column is co-sponsored by the English and Foreign Languages Department and the English Club. This week’s feature highlights student Felicia Melendez.
Name/department/educational background: Felicia Melendez, I want to get in the nursing department. I am a high school graduate. Going to be a sophomore.
What has been your greatest success in writing? (Personal writing, collaborative writing, completing a project or book, etc.): I think that my great success would just have to be writing my papers. I just think having the courage to write when you are on your own time or even for a class. It helps have lot courage if you don’t like it! Just think to yourself I can do it!
What do you struggle with in writing and how do you tackle that challenge? I think my biggest thing I have with writing would have to be making my paper make sense, but I just do my best and make sure that I have many people read my paper to help me out.
What’s your favorite book of all time? Author? I think I would have to say “House” by Frank Peretti and Ted Dekker. It is a very good mystery and scary book that I like! I would also have to say the Twilight books!
What are you currently reading? Author? I am reading “New Moon” from the Twilight Series. The author is Stephenie Meyer.
What’s your favorite guilty reading pleasure? I think one thing that I read for pleasure would have to be People and teen magazines just to check out the gossip through famous people.
Do you have a favorite word or quotation and who is the author? I don’t think I have a favorite quote or word.
For more information on this feature, contact English Club sponsor and English lecturer Constance Little ([email protected]), 549-2197.