1. The National Anthem performed by Caren Montgomery.
2. The Pledge of Allegiance delivered by Dr. Brian Vanden Heuval, Representative CSU-Pueblo Faculty Senate.
3. Introduction of Participants and Guests by CSU-Pueblo President Joesph Garcia.
4. Moment of Reflection by Dr. Brian Vanden Heuval.
5. Message from Associated Students’ Government delivered by ASG President Steven Titus.
6. President’s Charge by CSU-Pueblo President Joseph Garcia.
7. Commencement Address by AJ Rhodes (’99 Alumnus)
8. Greetings From Board of Governors delivered by Bonafacio Cosyleon, Representative of CSU System Board of Governors.
9. Degree Conferral delivered by CSU-Pueblo President Joesph Garcia.
10. Induction of graduates into CSU-Pueblo Alumni Association by Lisa Vigil, President of CSU-Pueblo Alumni Association. (pending)
11. Alma Mater performed by Barbara Beck accompanied by Al Eberthardt. (pending)
12. Closing Announcements by Dr. Zav Dadabhoy. (pending)
(audio: Monique Garcia and C.M. Gray)