Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum star in the remake of “21 Jump Street,” directed by Phil Lord. This film brings justice to the original television series that starred Johnny Depp.

Hill and Tatum play the roles of two rookie cops in search of acceptance on the police force awaiting their first real bust. Their lack of maturity leads them to work undercover as high school students investigating illegal drug trafficking.
Hill plays the role of Officer Schmidt, an intelligent individual who was never in the popular crowd when he was actually in high school. He struggles for acceptance from his new peers and nearly loses site of his true purpose in the investigation.
Tatum plays the role of Officer Jenko, an egotistical cop with the expectation of fighting crime and being the hero. Upon going back to high school undercover, he comes to realize that times have changed and he is not nearly as accepted as he believed he would be. The new era of what defines popularity is upon him and now he must face being on the other side.
Dave Franco plays high school student Eric Molson who accepts Schmidt in his group of friends while maintaining high suspicion toward Jenko. Eric is regarded as one of the popular kids in school that others, especially Schmidt seek acceptance from. His character provides a conflict in the investigation and tension with Jenko and Schmidt’s partnership.
Jenko and Schmidt experience teenage angst once more, delivering intense action scenes and exciting cameos. They go through the struggles of acceptance and learning more about who they really are in the process. They try to fight crime to the best of their ability and dream of one day being accepted by the force.
This action-comedy remake provides laughter from beginning to end and will surprise the audience multiple times. This action-comedy film is a must see while it is still in theatres and is highly entertaining to see with a best friend or a close group of friends.