Jenna Rossow has resigned as senator of ASG. She said she was too busy with other things. Rossow gave her resignation speech at the end of Tuesday’s meeting, and her resignation was effective at the close of the meeting.ASG has not yet found a replacement for Rossow and is now accepting applications for a new senator. Rossow said Student Organizations have asked about the resignation process. Director of Student Activities Nicky Damania said it was a decision made by the Dean of Student Life.
Other than the resignation of the senator, Tuesday’s ASG meeting unfolded like many others.
The “Wolf Idol” competition is coming up in October, said Adam Martin, senator of student activities, and people will be needed to audition.
Senator of Recreational Affairs Shawna Perroni said Service Learning Projects asked if ASG would help with the upcoming projects and members ASG members were invited to a presentation about these projects at the recreational affairs’ next meeting.
Housing Senator Mennambike Gowreishankar shared the topics from a recent Future Housing committee meeting, including ideas like a new 24-hour retail store and commons areas. She also will be meeting with the Director of Residence Life to discuss current housing issues and with the Auxiliary Services director to discuss cafeteria food.
The Hasan School of Business lab is still closed, said HSB Senator Sarah Bennett, because the main purpose of that lab is for it to be a CIS lab.
ASG members also discussed President David Fresquez revising student complaint forms. Several members suggested calling the forms “Student Concern Forms,” making them smaller, including a resolution section on the back, or adding the ASG logo to them.
They also suggested making the forms more accessible to students by sending an email with the form to all students, placing forms in residence halls, or mailing them as a postcard.