Are you a past member, or a business that specializes in media, marketing, public relations or advertising? Perhaps you have a media professional working in your organization?
A discount is offered for three or more individuals from the same business. Being a member of the SCPC is an important, affordable, networking tool for professionals working in the field, or for those just wanting to be a part of a great group of individuals dedicated to exploring Pueblo’s hot topics and issues.
SCPC meets the second Tuesday of the month from September to May during lunch at various Pueblo locations.
Membership Dues: Lunch Meetings:
Individual: $30 Dues paid member: $15
Business: $75 (up to three people Student: $10
then $25 for each additional person) Non-member: $20 Student: $10
Check SCPC out on the Web:
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Email: [email protected] to sign up for a lunch meeting or to get an application for membership. Or write to the club at: Southern Colorado Press Club, P.O. Box 1438, Pueblo, CO 81003.